Saturday, July 9, 2011


I spent a glorious week in Lake Powell recently. The combination of family and sunshine leaves one wondering if it can get much better than this. Little did I know that waiting for me when I returned was an evening that would blow my week out of the water!

Lane had asked me while I was gone if I would be ok going on a double date with one of our friends the Saturday after I got home. I of course agreed. We had doubled with this friend on our first date and had a blast and I was most definitely looking forward to spending time with my handsome man the moment I got home from my vacation. I missed him the rest of the trip and couldn’t wait to get home.

Saturday finally rolled around and Lane picked me up for our date. Keeping his composure so well that I didn’t even have any inkling something was “special” was going on, we enjoyed a meal at Olive Garden with our friends. Back tracking some, for our very first date, Lane and I went to dinner with this same friend and then out to some land he had to do a bonfire. They had decided they wanted to go have a bonfire again on Saturday. I wasn’t extremely excited about this bonfire idea as it had looked very rainy and windy as we were driving out. But I tried not to be a huge grump.

We stopped at the store to pick up some supplies to make éclairs over the fire  (which I found out later this was just to stall for time). Lane said we didn’t need all the supplies because some of them were at his friend’s house and we would stop on the way out to “the island” (a.k.a where the fire pit is) and pick up everything else. We stopped at Weston’s, he jumped out and said he needed to get his date a jacket as well so Lane piped in “We’ll just head over and get the fire started and meet you there.” Lane still had never made one moment seem out of the ordinary and I had no idea what was coming.

We drove out to the island, parked the car and started walking towards where the fire pit is. There are tall reeds and bushes so you have to walk a ways before you can see anything, but as we came around the corner the fire was already lit. This is how dense I was tonight, even with the fire lit, I still didn’t think anything of it. I just thought some other people were there like the time before. It is seemed like a popular place the first time we came. But then I noticed some tiki torches lit all along the path leading up to the fire…then I noticed there was candle light flickering in sections all around the outer edge of the island…then we got closer and I noticed a basket…and a rose…and a note. It read:

“Remember how we first met?”

I know it took me a while, but I finally got what was happening and started to cry. Turned out, the candlelight lining the island were little “stations”. Each one had a rose and a memory nest to it. At the 12th station there was 13 roses with a note that read:

“Remember how the best is yet to come?”

And there was a little sack next to the roses. Lane said “I think you should probably open the sack.” I did and sure enough nestled in the bottom, under tissue paper that was the colors we’ve picked for our wedding, was a little black box. I pulled it out and as I did he dropped to one knee.

“Kelsee, will you marry me?”


I cannot think of any word(s) to describe the happiness I felt inside at that moment. I of course said “YES!!” without hesitation, and as he stood up to kiss me, our own personal firework show started on the  other side of the pond. His brother and friend had been watching for the one-knee moment and when it happened they set off the greatest fireworks I’ve ever seen! It could not have been more perfect. I’ve been on cloud 9 ever since and don’t plan on coming down…and the best is yet to come J

POST NOTE: I was recently chastised for not playing the name game in the above post. The set up and fireworks were provided by my amazing brother-in-law to be, CLARK BOYER, and our just as equally amazing friend BONES (aka Brett Goodwin). Many great and boisterous thanks for your valiant efforts in the wind and rain to make out night impeccable :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Slept at my new place for the first night last night. It was peaceful. I think this is going to be GREAT! I woke up early this morning so that I could have enough to time to stop at the terrace on my way to work and pick up my bed. I wanted to get it out of the house and back to my parents. Sarah was at the house when I showed and she was willing to help me load it into the Yukon. Everything was going easy breezy until I got home. I parked the car, ran in to say hi to my mom and ran back out to my car so that I could get to work on time. What'll ya know, my dang battery was dead. So rather than be late for work, I left my car at my parents and drove the Yukon, bed and all, back down the street to work. After work I was able to jump start my car and get it back on the road ok. Time for a new battery! This has happened way too much recently.

After my somewhat un-lucky fiasco of a day, I went home. I had to hurry and change because we were doubling with a friend of Lane's for dinner that night. He swung by around 7:30 and we went to Red Robin with Fran and McKenzy. They are so cute!! I couldn't get over what a great combo they were. Fran kicked Lane out of the booth for about 10 minutes he could "interrogate" me, asking me questions like "Why Lane?" and "What exactly are your intentions with him?", etc. It was fun.

And did I mention I had a delicious wrap for dinner? It will become a craving I'm sure. Take a peek

A fresh spinach totilla with juicy chicken breast
smothered in our signature Whiskey River BBQ Sauce,
all wrapped together with Cheddar cheese, lettuce,
totilla strips and a touch of ranch dressing.

Oh it was even better than it looks and sounds. Mouth watering. Not to mention a basket of Red Robin bottomless steak fries. Ohh yummy! It was blissful really. 

After dinner, Lane and I went back to my place and attempted to watch The Emperors New Groove...however we were exhausted and both fell asleep within the first 10 minutes. He's never seen it so I've got to get him through it one of these days. Classic.

Dead battery morning didn't turn out so bad afterall :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Moved my last load of crap out to my grandmas today. Lane was nice enough to help me haul everything in, running up and down the stairs. When we got everything inside we just kind of collapsed on the couch. Didn't last long though...we ended up dancing in the dark. There is something very special about holding someone you care for close to you and swaying back and forth to music that touches your heart...

by Jason Reeves

All thath we are is defined
By each others shipwrecked hearts
And I
Shiver to think
What would have been if I wouldn't have seen you in time...
Would we pass by?

Like parachutes and air balloons
Or satellites and lonely moons
We'd still be drifting far apart
But thank the stars we are

All that you are is mine
Your divine imperfections
color the dark
And I, shiver to see
How fragile you are when the world's such a cruel place to be...
Then you cut me free

Let's walk the tightrope together
Without a safety net...
And when we fall
And we will fall
Lets fall forever


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Needed to start really focusing on packing tonight. Boxing things up and getting things in decent enough shape to move from location A to location B is not something I care for. But moving will be for the best!! I'm starting to move out of this place tomorrow! I'm going to miss the terrace and my roomates and my ward...but it will be a change for the greater good. Next step in life, here I come!
Wednesdays are more like Monday's in my book. You know when someone says "Ugh. It's Monday" and you can slap them on the back and say "I feel your pain" because we all know that Monday's suck? Yes well, for me it's it is more likely to be "Ugh. It's Wednesday" and there is all the Monday implications intended in the phrase. I got rear ended only minutes after leaving for work this morning. Didn't even make it out of the Terrace. We were making a left hand turn at a light and all of us had to stop in the median before merging over due to traffic...however the woman behind me didn't pay attention to any of us stopping in front of her and ran right into me. She was very nice about it and we've worked it all out with the insurance so it is fine, but it's funny how even a little bumb in the rear end can shake you up. I was surprisingly calm and collected though. The lady asked if I just wanted her contact info and we'd get going but I calmly explained I didn't feel comfortable leaving the scene of the accident until the officer could get there to do the report. Usually I cave under pressure like that, but I think I handled it all very well.

The officer was very nice, got everything taken care of and tried to send me on my way...but then my car wouldn't start. Something had completely sucked the juice out of my battery. Great. Well, the officer didn't have cables and neither did I so he called another officer to come help us out and we had to sit and wait for him. I was grateful they were so nice and patient with me. We finally got my car running and I was able to make it to work, walking through the door only about a half hour late. And I'm fortunate to have a kind and understanding boss.

Lane of course was all worried because I sent him a text rather than calling him when I got rear ended. He was so sweet about it. He even drove out to see me at lunch even though he only had about a half hour to spend with me. He brought me this care package

He said the cookies were to comfort me while I was working since he couldn't be there (they are his mom's homemade cookies that are WONDERFULLY delicious!), and the laffy taffy to remind me of the silly things we do that gets us through most of our days, granola to munch on because he took me to lunch a little early, Mountain Dew to keep me awake that evening (because I was moving a load down to my grandmas and he was going to the BYU basketball game so he wouldn't be with me to help) and a whistle from one of our other call for help whenever I need him. HELLO!! How adorable is that?? I just sat there with him the whole time thinking "Is this guy for real? I am so in love". It was a great way to get me through my rough Wednesday. I think Wednesdays might be a little less like Monday's with him around...

"I'll never have to go back to the day before you"
-Rascal Flatts

When I got off work, I immediately jumped into packing things up. Tawny and I were able to move most of my stuff out to my grandmas in just over an hour! It was awesomely productive. It's going to be a task and a half getting settled in, but at least there's only one more load to actually move down. On our way home, we stopped for tacos from Dell Taco (somewhat a tradition of ours), brought them home and attempted to watch Princess and the Frog. Well, I guess it was more just me who attempted. I ended up falling asleep on the couch before we even got half way through the movie. Apparently I needed some rest. I don't like it when Lane's not around, but I suppose last night it turned out alright if I was THAT tired.

Around 10:45 Tawny woke me and said "Kels, why don't you go to your bed where you'll be more comfy?". I got up, barely coherent, climbed in bed and sent Lane a quick "I'm out" message and that was the end of it for me. haha I didn't hear Tawny and Sabrina talking, or Tawny take a shower. I was just dead to the world. It was awesome.

Overall, I won't be complaining about my Wednesday :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Today was my favorite Martin Luther King Day ever!! "I have a dream-" a very dream-y guy that is ;)
I took Lane lunch and then he helped me start fixing my lap top. It has been bogged down for years and in such a mess. My man is so smart! He just wiped the whole thing out and started over. A lot of the things he had to do took time though, so, darn, I had to spend the majority of the day hanging out with him. haha It was THE BEST!! We just had a lazy day. We looked at pictures from his mission and family through the years and then looked at pictures of my past as well. It was so great. In honor of "picture day", here are a few of my favorites of my hunny and I :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Eins, zwei, drei Deusche Festival!

Did something different for date  night tonight. We went to the German Festival at the fairgrounds. Those Germans are festive! I tell you what! Music and dancing the whole night, lots of very rich and heavy food, and plenty of culture living on through the ages. We went with Lane's friend Chad Davis and his date Jazzy. We went to get some food first...which I really was not a fan of. Not the most delicious dishes I've had. Tried a hearty authentic sausage...definitely a no go! One bite was one too many for me. However, Lane fully enjoyed both his sausage and bratwurst.

Wayyy too much meat compounded into a wiener for me, thanks. haha The potatoes were good though. I can go with that.
After we finished eating we wandered around. They had random treat and craft booths scattered around the arena along with a few authentic German knick nack booths. It was fun. I think the part I loved the most of watching the old couples dancing around in their authentic German get-up to the awesome polka music playing throughout the night.

After we had as much meandering and entertainment as we could handle in a different language, we went to nickelcade. I don't know that I've ever been there before. It is beat up and dirty, but it is fun and games are played by the nickel which makes it about 3 times less expensive that other arcade places around. We had a great time goofing around and collecting tickets like 2nd graders.

Yup...I love him. :)